For Sellers
10 tips to prepare you for the sale
1. Set a reasonable price
Too high
If your price is too high, don't expect miracles. Your property will likely join the category of "old listings" and it will become much more difficult to sell it, even if you lower the price. It makes you look desperate to sell. Ask your agent to help you determine a fair price that will both promote a quick sale and a return on your investment. Better to offer a reasonable price upfront.
Too low
Too low a price can also cause problems. In a hot market, a low price can actually trigger multiple bids, which is great for you, because a bidding war will only drive the price up. But if there's not enough interest, a lower price means you won't make as much as you could have. It can also make potential buyers wonder if the home has problems.
Fair price
Setting a fair price means you'll get more interest, potentially attract more buyers, and sell your property faster. The key to selling is listing your home for what it's worth. To calculate this, your broker will need to take a look at the market and see what prices comparable homes are selling for.
2. Depersonalize your home
This is the golden rule in highlighting the value of your property. Store your children's artwork, family photos, religious items and toiletries. Buyers don't want to see this space as someone else's. That way, they can better imagine themselves living in this space.
3. Declutter as much as possible
Shoppers want to see space, not overflowing closets and overflowing counters. The clutter will convince them that there won't be enough space for their stuff. The fewer the elements, the larger and more attractive the space will look. Pack knick-knacks, clear counters and tables, eliminate half the contents of your wardrobes and cupboards, and tidy up what's left. Were you planning on putting the items removed from your rooms in the garage? We advise against it. Buyers will look at the garage too. If you need a storage space, rent one inthe process of selling your house.
4. Clean, clean, clean
Among the things that displease buyers the most are dirty spaces. Wash your carpets, mop the floors, chase away the dust bunnies, and make sure the windows and mirrors are sparkling. Don't forget to get rid of small traces of everyday life, such as crumbs on the table, crumpled bedspreads, toothbrushes left on the sink or half-full trash cans. Details matter and people will notice! Hire a cleaning crew if necessary to ensure that everything stays in order for you until the house is sold, or even, on the eve of a visit, delegate specific tasks to each member of your family. so that the house looks beautiful in a short time.
5. Freshen up
A home that looks clean should also smell good. Odors have the power to turn people off instantly; they suggest to buyers that the house is not clean. Open windows, clean carpets, use air fresheners, change cat litter daily, plug in a dehumidifier in the basement, and be careful not to smoke indoors. But also be careful when using trendy fragrance diffusers, room sprays and other artificial fragrances. Many people have adverse reactions to strong odors, and this may indicate that you are actually trying to mask a source of unpleasant odors. Moderation definitely works best.
6. Create a warm, brightly lit environment
Create a cozy atmosphere: turn on lamps everywhere and open all curtains and blinds (or remove them completely). Trim trees and bushes that block light, and don't forget to make all windows sparkling clean. Make the house look light, spacious and modern.
7. Make a good first impression
It's important to make sure everything is perfect inside your home, but don't forget what everyone will see first: your home's exterior. So, cross to the other side of the street and take a good look at your house. How does your home compare to those in your neighborhood? Beautiful landscaping alone can result in a sale. Trim the hedges and keep the lawn green and neatly trimmed. If you have a swimming pool, keep it clean and well maintained. Refresh your front door. Wash its panels, polish its hardware, and apply a coat of gloss paint. A few hundred dollars in paint could add thousands of dollars to your selling price. And don't forget the vestibule. Remove coats, shoes and keys, and place fresh flowers to make the place welcoming so that every visitor's entrance goes smoothly and sets the tone for the rest of their visit in your home.
8. Highlight your assets
Do your best to really maximize the best parts of your home. Do you have hardwood flooring? Is so, perhaps store away carpets. Do you want to highlight a beautifully renovated kitchen? Get rid of dish towels and clear counters of appliances to showcase the gorgeous kitchen. Make sure faucets are easy to turn off/on and don't leak, basement has no leaks and humidity levels are adequate, windows and doors open and close easily. Replace burnt out bulbs. Buyers are drawn to clean, well-maintained homes that inspire freshness. Keep in mind that small improvements can make a big difference.
9. Have your pets looked after
Fido may be friendly, but don't leave him home during a visit. Not everyone loves animals, and no one wants to see a litter box or a dish of dog food in the kitchen. Plan to keep your pet away for the duration of the visits or, if possible, ask a friend to watch your pets while you sell your property.
10. Always be ready for visits
Be flexible. Accept last minute visits and other potential inconveniences. The more flexible you are at this stage, the less time it should take to sell your home. So make sure your home is always clean and ready to visit. Do not leave dishes in the sink: wash them immediately or put them in the dishwasher. Put your valuables in a safe place and your personal information out of sight. Make sure your keys are still in the "key box". Produce a checklist and review it so you don't overlook anything. And stay away when potential buyers are on the premises: there is nothing more unpleasant for them than to visit a home when the current owners are present and watching them.
It all boils down to this: if you've done your best to prepare your space to look its best and are flexible when viewings are requested, your property will attract more buyers and you'll sell it faster. Do you want to know other tips to make your property ready for sale? Your agent knows exactly what buyers are looking for and can therefore help you plan what needs to be done.